The final step on the long road to The Merge, the Goerli Testnet Merge, was successful this evening. On July 27, Ethereum announced the “Bellatrix” upgrade to Goerli’s Beacon Chain, in preparation for the testnet merge. After Bellatrix was activated on August 4, all that was left was for it to merge with Goerli, and we have jumped though the final hoop before the long anticipated mainnet Merge.
Tonight was a direct simulation of what will happen at some point in September when the live Proof of Stake Beacon Chain and the current Proof of Work chain, which have been running side by side since the Beacon Chain was launched in December 2020, will merge. The Proof of Stake chain will become the main chain, and mining will no longer be required to use Ethereum, with consensus being reached by validators who have staked their Ether in order to run nodes. For more specifics on what that means for the future of Ethereum, read here:
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